Teresa Williams Jackson

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My dad progressively lost his hearing over the course of my life. During my post-college years, we had to write everything down for him because, while he, my mom, and I took a sign language class at the local community college when I was in high school, it didn't really take.

We'd always had fun with party games. Taboo, Pictionary, even charades and Dictionary (before they came out with Balderdash).

Dad started to get left out of those experiences.

I really appreciated Apples to Apples because, even though he couldn't hear all the table talk, he could read the cards, throw an appropriate (or ridiculously inappropriate) card into the mix. And he could be as dramatic as he wanted to be when judging.

Now he has two cochlear implants, but any game where everyone is talking at once just doesn't work.

The time we're most likely to play games these days is Christmas, and 12 Days is great. Once you explain the rules (and they're so easy), everyone can play without all the talk.

I love the talk, but I love including everyone even more. And this year, we have another game to add to the list Dad gets to play.

I'm not going to share other reviewers' opinions, not because they're not worthy, but because I'm heading off to see family tomorrow, and I have handmade gifts to finish (why? why did I do that?), cookies and fudge to make, presents to wrap, and my children to play with. I'll post some when I get back.


Buy this game and play it. Seriously, that's it. Oh, and you can look at the card that's been passed to you before you play, at least according to some random guy on Board Game Geek who confirmed what I already thought.


Definitely. The box says 8 and up, and I think that's a good measure. You might try it with a savvy 7-year-old or even younger child if you want to help them through the first couple of times.


"That's a hard one," he says.

What he really wants is to figure out a way to play it with two people. I think it is what it is. Anyone tried with two?

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