Elevenses is a game of socialites competing to have the best spread for morning tea. But don't let the pretty fool you. This game is full of backstabbing. And memory. Will you want to compete?


Tom Vasel at The Dice Tower was not enamored with Elevenses. He didn't like the theme or the gameplay. Obviously, I disagree, but check him out for a (very) different perspective.

Undead Viking said, "The game's pretty awesome. I really like it." He praised the way the game creates another game within it, where you're trying to figure out your opponents. He said "you find yourself smiling as you play."

Rob and Diana at Gameosity had fun with the treachery involved in Elevenses. Diana's conclusion is that if you play with people who don't get into the theme, it might not be as much fun.


This game is so simple to learn that I don't have any tips. Grab it, give the rules a perusal so you understand how playing a card and arranging differ.

Make sure you understand how many sugar cubes a player gets depending on the number of players (it's also on the back of the Starting Server card.)

And play. Everything else you need to know is on the cards. But the fun begins when you see how those cards can work in your favor. And how your opponents can use them against you.


I have no relationship to T.J. Lubrano, and I don't get kickbacks or anything for doing this, but if you love the art in this game as much as I do, you can find more at A Look in a Creative Mind. There's a really cute robot you should not miss. Go there. Now.

SHE'S (I originally called her a him. So embarrassing.) teamed up with Grail Games for another tea-themed title, Matcha, which is available now. (No kickbacks there, either. The video will be awhile, but it's coming.)